Butter Pecan Cookies

Peek-can. Puh-khan. Pih-kahn. We might not all agree on how to pronounce it, but we can all agree that pecans are ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. Toasted pecans with some browned butter - Mmmmm! Whether in ice cream, cookies, cakes - these tree nuts are just as American as apple pie. With the exception that pecans are actually native to North America and apple pie originated in England. #facts

Since pecans are predominantly grown in the Southern states, butter pecan recipes are a Southern staple! Even though I was born and raised in California, I’ve always been obsessed with pecans and living in Texas has reminded me of my pecan addiction. Seriously, I want them all the time. Why do they have to be so expensive if they’re grown here?!

Most of the butter pecan cookies that I’ve seen are usually shortbread; however, I found a fantastic recipe by Sugar Spun Run that took a soft and chewy approach, with some toffee bits thrown in as a special treat! These cookies are taken out of the oven when they look just a wee-bit underdone. Once they’re cooled down (still on the baking sheet), they are completely baked on the outside and perfectly soft (not raw) on the inside! It was hard not to eat the entire lot because they are DELICIOUS!!!

When I made my first batch, I completely forgot to add brown sugar and the cookies had more of a shortbread consistency. They weren’t bad at all! For a bake-gone-wrong, I was pleasantly surprised. However, I had to make another batch and this time, I did it properly and these are the cookies that are pictured here.

If you decide to also bake these cookies, I’d recommend sticking a pecan to the top with an egg wash to get them to adhere better. I tried with and without, and those without just fell right off.

Recipe: sugarspunrun.com/soft-chewy-butter-pecan-cookies

enjoy! XOXO